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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How to Hide Your Phone Number on Whatsapp, Facebook, While Calling and Texting?

Jeetendra Gaur
How to Hide Your Phone Number on Whatsapp, Facebook, While Calling and Texting?

How to Hide Your Phone Number: The Phone number is a very important part of our day to day life now days. In today’s market phones hold an important place. In this situation, the user is whole and sole to operate his or her device. Some of the users wish to hide their number at the time accessing the device. In this article, we will show you some methods to hide your phone number for your convenience. This will give you a good security feature to you on your device. Check out the description about making mobile phone number appear as a private number from the below.

How to Hide Your Phone Number ?

Here we are providing some of the ways you can use them. The Indian residential user can also get the method how to hide your phone number in India.  If you wish to hide your phone number when texting, then you can do so by using email to send your text or an app for the smartphones.

If we talk for the Facebook user, the way to hide your phone number on FB is also not so difficult. For this purpose, the user has to open his or her FB account followed by Go to your timeline, click “About” option from the left side, press “contact and Basic Info” click “Edit” beside your phone number, then click on the glob icon (audience selector) and choose “Only Me” to hide it from all press Save Changes option.

How to Hind Phone Number on Whatsapp?

method to hide your phone number on hatsapp
How to Hind Phone Number on Whatsapp?
For the Whatsapp user, the way to hide your phone number on Whatsapp is through the virtual phone number. For this purpose, you need to install Whatsapp application. Accept the agree option and then head on the following websites.

Now enter your phone number and enter this number along with the country code in the app and proceed. Clicking the same virtual phone number will open its messaging window. You will get code which you need to enter further with other details.

Some Great Methods of Hiding Your Phone Number

How to Hide your Phone Number when calling
How to Hide your Phone Number when calling?
1.) Use a caller ID blocking prefix: You can use a code to hide your phone number to be appeared on the recipient’s caller ID. However this code will be according to the country and your service provider. Only you have to enter the code as per your country and immediately dial a number. For instant if you are in USA and dial 123456 then you have to enter *67123456.

North America – *67 or #31#
Argentina, Iceland, Switzerland, South Africa: *31*
Albania, Australia, Denmark, Greece, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway: #31#
Germany: *31# or #31#
Japan: 184
Hong Kong: 133
Ireland and UK: 141
New Zealand: 0197  for Telecom or *67 for Vodafone
Australia: 1831 or #31#
India: *31# – Must be enabled by network.
If your country name is not in the list then you can use either *67 or #31#

2.) Contact your carrier: You can block your Caller ID permanently. This will take some of the charges which will be varying from carrier to carrier.

India users need to enable Caller ID blocking before they can use the blocking prefix.
Most pre-paid plans cannot enable permanent Caller ID blocking.
Some people have Anonymous Call Rejection enabled, which means your call will not be able to be completed unless you call from an unblocked number.
If you want to make an unblocked call after setting up a block on all your outgoing calls, you will need to enter the unblocking prefix before the phone number.
Some of this includes:

Australia- 1832
Ireland – 142
UK -1470
North America-  *82
New Zealand- 0196 for Telecom or *82 for Vodafone
Hong Kong- 1357
Japan- 186
Most GSM Networks- *31#

3.) Hide your number with the help of device settings: Many of the devices allow hiding the caller ID from the device settings. From here you can get the way to hide your phone number on iPhone/ calling from iPhone.

How to Hide your Phone Number in mobile phones
How to Hide your Phone Number in mobile phones?
For iPhone – Open the Settings app, tap Phone, tap Show My Caller ID, and then toggle the slider to ON.[1]
For Android 4.0 and earlier – Open the Settings app, tap Call, tap Additional settings, tap Caller ID, and then tap Hide number.
For Android 4.1 and later – Open the Phone app, tap the Menu button, tap Call settings, tap Caller ID, tap Hide number.[2]
For Windows Phone 8 – Open the Phone app, tap the More button (…), tap ‘settings’, tap the box under Show my caller ID to option, tap ‘no one’ or ‘my contacts’.[3]
For BlackBerry – Press the Menu key, click Options, click General Options, find the Restrict My Identity field, set it to Always.
Hide Phone Number on Facebook, Whatsapp, Which Calling

How to Hide your Phone Number on facebook / FB
Hide Phone Number on Facebook
As we given above all the Methods to Hide phone number on Whatsapp, Facebook, while calling, and when making a call in India. So, if you are one of them who are searching that – How to hide your phone number? then now you can easily hide your mobile phone number by using the given methods. Now you can hide your phone number in android phones, smartphone, windows phones, Blackberry, apple iPhonee, etc not only in India but also in all over the world.  

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